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Blue Ridge Train Tunnel…

As January is drawing to a close – did all my friends enjoy something (or many things) this month? I hope so. I know a couple in the United Kingdom is counting their days until their [annual] skiing holiday! And a local friend is leaving next week with her hubby for an Australia and Portugal holiday. I’m not sure where my next big adventure will be, but Spain, Peru, and Italy are still on my bucket list. I’m intrigued by the architecture, culture, and terrains in those areas of the planet. I also have a trucking buddy who just retired and is looking into purchasing some metal detecting equipment to enjoy her outside time! 🙂

NONEtheless — I continue thriving and adjusting to my new driving gig for Walmart’s Private Fleet. I enjoy a 6 days out / 3 days off rotational schedule, and have been able to schedule friend time, and a few day-adventures, not to mention enjoying the farm and jigsaw puzzles since the weather can be cold and damp this time of year. Must say though that Virginia area has had some 50-60 degree F days during January, right after that deep freeze that shook us up at the beginning (0 degrees and -20 with wind chills!)

Well, I visited a local site on Afton Mountain / Crozet, Virginia, a “restored” train tunnel that cuts through the Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s called the Blue Ridge Tunnel. There is an eastern and a western entrance, and I opted to walk in from the eastern entrance the other day. It’s about 3/4 mile to the tunnel entrance from the eastern parking lot, and the tunnel is about 4,200 feet through, so I actually only walked in it a bit. You can see the “exitway” on the other side, as the tunnel seems basically straight. I gather it is about 4.5 miles round trip walk on flat, although creviced-floor, terrain. Flashlight is needed, as it’s dark once you get in there, but it sure is clean and I’m looking forward to a re-visit in springtime!

There were groups, even a tour-type group, families, couples and friends (Oh yes! and cute doggies!) all doing the walk. I’d speculate many went all the way through, and I plan another walk-in from the western entrance during February. It was truly a nice peaceful and quite rich in rock/water/foliage exploring. No actual train tracks in the tunnel — at least not where I was — the tracks now run a long side the tunnel? Hmmmm… any-hoo… Please enjoy the photos and the historical plaques that I saw on the pathway leading to the tunnel.

Don’t forget: If you are on a mobile phone, you can click the photos in the gallery to enable a scroll through and see the images better!

Thanks for stopping by again to visit my blog; I’m grateful to share these things with folks. Hopefully you have an adventure planned this week, or next. Cheers and have a LOVELY, BRIGHT and BLESSED day!

Also please share in the comments some of your local adventures to inspire us all to get out and about and enjoy an adventure whether it be indoors or outdoors!



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